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Cultivating the ability to be
Mind Wise & Heart Free

 MindWise  offers courses, retreats and a twice monthly meditation group to anyone interested in learning mindful meditation.


Our offerings' primary focus is on how to grow the capacity to meet all of life from a place of spacious witnessing, rather than being overwhelmed by our experiences.


As we take on the formal practices of meditation and begin to work consciously with our thoughts, beliefs and reactive ways of dealing with life, we have the opportunity to become established in Presence which is the Heart Space of Being. 


From this reality, which is our true core nature, we are then able to meet all of life as free, whole, loving and deeply wise beings. 


To make this discovery is our birthright. Presently many people are beginning to awaken out of the old mind-made reality of reactivity and into the fullness of Heart Space reality. 


If this feels interesting or compelling to you, we warmly invite you to connect with us for further information or to book one of our offerings.  





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8 week deep-dive into 

mindfulness for those who are wanting to transform their life

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Twice monthly group for anyone wanting to experience the benefits of mindful meditation


Weekend & day retreats guiding you through practices designed

 to return you to the Heart of Awareness


Join our mailing list to receive newsletters and regular updates about upcoming events and courses


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